Wednesday, July 29, 2015


I've been telling my kids stories about my Grandma Bean.
She had the biggest, most nurturing heart and 
she brought wonderful memories into my life.
She loved charades and to start off the game she would say,
"Lemonade, what's your trade?
Show me something if you aren't afraid!"
Doesn't make sense to me,
but hearing her say that meant one thing ...
she wanted to play with us!

The state fair is approaching and I"m already
craving a lemonade shake-up!
Lemons and SUGAR (and deep fried something-something!).

We found a lapse in rainshowers and whipped up a big batch 
of lemonade and limeade!
 If photographs could speak, this wouldn't say much 
because our deck is such a peaceful spot.
Tyler was busy squeezing (little brother was supervising)
and we had Goldfinches and Cardinals visiting our progress!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Write like nobody is reading ...

Easier said than done.
I knew when I began a public blog it would mean
this corner of my life would be open to the world.
Knowing this, I've kept my corner rather quiet,
as in I don't tell many people I even have a blog.
I have a handful of followers and it feels just right.
I document for own enjoyment (and memory!),
and I've been fearful that if I share with people I have this writing refuge,
I will have expectations ...
1.)  That they read it : )
2.) I may alter how I write based on who reads it.

I work in mental health and my role and relationship with clients
is very unique - sometimes confusingly unique.
It's a twist of a relationship with someone (client)
sharing their innermost feelings and thoughts with a person (therapist)
who shares very little about him/herself.
It's mind-boggling at times, but this is why it works!
Sometimes it feels odd to me, sitting in a living room-like
setting, my client possibly talking about the very same things I 
think about or struggle with, and have it not
fall into a conversation.  Of course it does at times,
and it's okay, but it can feel like we are both swimming against 
a tide of what feels natural.

Since I have a public blog, I've thought of the 
scenario of my client stumbling upon it.
How would I feel about it?
Nothing too jarring came up for me, 
until it happened.
Then I felt vulnerable, angry and scared.
Not in a way of putting me in danger,
but having someone "watching" made me very uncomfortable,
especially when this client said some hurtful things
related to my children and marriage.

Some clients find it so difficult to not have a reciprocal (you share, I share)
relationship in therapy.  They search and search for "answers" and bypass the
most powerful and most healthy route to obtaining information about me.
Asking me.
This scenario could have went very differently and potentially
blossomed into something deeply therapeutic.
Since it didn't, I chose to end my blog and begin again.

After the waves of unsettledness, I have a newfound sense that 
a new blog could actually be empowering.
A rock in my path isn't going to cause me to turn 
around or trip and fall.  
I will walk around it and move forward!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Insta Welcome!

Every blog deserves a fresh welcome ... so welcome!
  I've been writing for our family blog for seven years.  
I didn't think a few posts would evolve into years of sharing, 
but I've really enjoyed the blogging adventure
and blending writing and photography.

I'll write more on my choice to begin a new blog.
It certainly feels bittersweet because I didn't want to do it,
but I will be more comfortable overall with this change.

I'm one of those people who take a looOOong time to make a decision,
so coming up with a blogsite and name has thrown me for a loop!
I practice meditation and mindfulness and it's become
a big part of how I live life now ... with more presence.
I like the idea of deliberately slowing through various parts
of your day/week/month to experiment with the experience.
The idea (and hopefully the result!) is that the 
slower you go, the more you notice.
When you go half as fast, you notice twice as much.
So, viola -- my new blog name!

Onward and upward ... and celebrating my first post with 
a few Instas from our summer!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Sparkle with Love

 One of my best friends got
married to her favorite firecracker ...
on July 4 (of course!).
She has always wanted to be married
and have a family; she scored with 
meeting a wonderful man and his awesome son!
 I was super excited to be asked to take a few photos
 at her reception.  Cool idea with the sparklers!